Self Praise

This festival symbolize the marriage celemony. Firstly the genital of female is made of straw at Ichikihime_shrine by the villagers of Ohnishi and delivered to Susanoo_shrine at Etumi, Secondly the genital of male is made at Kasuga_shrine by the villagers of Etumi and delivered to Susanoo_shrine, too. Thirdly both symbols are fastened tightly as photo. Around there many ancient ruins and literature exist. One say this festival symbolize the fact of the ancient marriage celemony.

Otuna festival in snow, at Etumi & Ohnishi

Feb. 11 2002
Manual_Focus Lens28-70mm
RHP‡V Strobo

This page has been continued on September 1 2002.
and the picture was renewed on February 1 2003.
Forbidden to copy contents unless permitted.

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