Self Praise

Lily festival of Isakawa shrine is very famous of lady's dance at the front of god palace with lily flowers which have been carried from Mt.Miwa. But many cameramen have a hard time to take photos of this scene because of no position.This photo was taken when lily flower was carried from the front of god palace after lady's dance. A priest of this shrine stood back of the flowers by chance so that I could insert the figure of him to the image with graduation.
For this photo, I used single focus type lens (50mm) with high capacity by all manual setting. Because I have to fit exposure to the flowers without strobo in order to enhance the color of flowers against the light. (Lens50mm, Iris2.8, 1/60, ISO100)

Lily festival, Isakawa_shrine

Jun. 17 2001
Manual_Focus Lens50mm

This page has been continued on September 1 2002.
and the picture was renewed on May 1 2003.
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