Self Praise

Introducing from "Other Aria". This was taken under hard situation. Firstly it was too dark and rainy in wood. Secondly my standing position at the front of steps was so far from target (about 30-40m) that I had to take photos by a telephotolens in my hand without strobo. Thirdly I must adopt all manual setting bacause this target placed oblique & deep, and fire often make exposure unjust. At last it take 5 hours to serve position, but climax is only for 10 minutes. I comfess I made one mistaken. I consider sensetising to ISO800 was best to overcome darkness. I regret harf of shots ended in failure. (Lens80-200mm, Iris2.8, 1/60, ISO400, manual setting, in hand)

Fire festival of nachi, Kumanonachi_shrine

Jul. 14 2002
Manual_Focus Lens80-200mm

This page has been continued on September 1 2002.
and the picture was renewed on July 1 2003.
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