Self Praise

Onmaturi of Kasugawakamiya_shrine, most biggest festival in Nara prefecture, is generally famous of procession in the evening, but I feel the performances at "Otabisho"after that are more fantastic, which is continued till 23:00 by turns; Kagura, Nou, Dengaku, Seinoo, Azumaasobi and Bugaku. This photo of "Azumaasobi (Dance of east)" is taken without Strobo. In this situation, I think negative film is best choice because various lighting source may have bad influence on the colortone of photo. Negative film can have wide changeable range of colortone and exposure, and very safety in the case of night photo without strobo. (Lens80-200mm, Iris2.8, Manual_focus, Auto_exposure, ISO400)

Azumaasobi, Onmaturi, Kasugawakamiya_shrine

Dec. 17 2003
Manual_Focus Lens80-200mm

This page has been continued on September 1 2002.
and the picture was renewed on December 1 2003.
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