Self Praise

Flower festival is most important ceremony in Yakushi_temple and equal to the Omizutori at Nigatudo of Toudai_temple. Onioi is held at the end of the ceremony, on April 5. In this performance, Oni act violently and fire fly around there. I think it is usual to take a photo with strobo by use of those active action. But I did not use strobo because I want to take the act against the background of the great architectures of Yakushi_temple. Use of tripod was prohibited so that I had to use single focus lens with the setting of full open iris.
In result I could get some good pictures like as this. At that moment Oni just moved to rush with torch and tower designated as national treasure was hold in back. (Lens50mm, Iris1.4, 1/30 sec., ISO400/Negative film) --Reference: Fire festival in Nara--

Onioi of flower festival, Yakushi_temple

Apr. 5 2003
Manual_Focus Lens50mm

This page has been continued on September 1 2002.
and the picture was renewed on April 1 2004.
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