Self Praise

As you know, there are not a plenty of gardens in Nara. However the garden of Jikouin_temple is one of the best gardens noted in connection with Sir Sekisyu Katagiri and my favorite places. Especially the prospect from the room is very wonderful and I used to be refreshed. But it is hard to catch the atmosphere on photos. At this moment, a couple were having tee occasionally. This scene was so wonderful that I took one in hand hurriedly. Maybe we should avoid the prejudice we can not take a good photo for landscape without a tripod. (Lens50mm, Iris_f2.8, 1/60sec. Manual_focus, ISO50)

A cup of tee, Garden of Jikouin_temple

Jun. 1 2003
Manual_Focus Lens50mm

This page has been continued on September 1 2002.
and the picture was renewed on June 1 2004.
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