Self Praise

Totukada is a villege which has most big field in Japan and very mountainious. However Totukawa include "Okugake Road from Yoshino-Ohmine" and "Kohechi Road from Kouyasan", which are the parts of "Kumano Ancient Reoad " designated as one of the world treasures recently, and hold many sophisticated folk customs. Big dance is continued in the secluded places among the mountains which include the factors of medieval time, so called "Furyu", a dance fashion 500 years ago. Three places dances , at Ohara, Musashi and Nishikawa, have been designated as "Natinal Folk Treasure". This photo is one of Nishikawa, where is most far in the mountain and hard to reach. (Lens28-70mm, Iris_f5.6, 1/30 second, Manual_focus, ISO400) --Reference: Dance in Nara--

Big_dance, at Nishikawa

Aug. 15 2002
Manual_Focus Lens28-70mm

This page has been continued on January 1 2003.
and the picture was renewed on August 1 2004.
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