Self Praise

Spring has come with cherry blossom. Recently many photo books for single cherry have been issued in fashion. In Nara prefecture, Mochizuki cherry at Buturyu_temple of 900 years old, Matabei cherry at Hongo of 300 years old, Hachikou cherry of 400 years old and this Gongen cherry at Takikura shrine of 400 years old are very unique and popular. Gongen cherry is the second oldest in Nara prefecture as well as I know. However it is hard to take a good photo of this cherry. Because the trunk falls to be flat and petals are very small like as a plum. At result I used telephoto lens to zoom up the petals with open iris in the background of the trunk and mountain green. (Lens80-200mm, Iris_f4.0, Auto_exposure, Revision plus0.3, Manual_focus,PL filter, ISO50) --Reference: Cherry blossom in Nara--

Gongen cherry, Takikura_shrine

Mar. 31 2002
Manual_Focus Lens80-200mm

This page has been continued on January 1 2003.
and the picture was renewed on March 1 2005.
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