Self Praise

The introduction for single cheery is continued this month. Matabei cherry is very popular and visited by many people from Tokyo and others. I think early morning and night with lighting are best times for photos. Especially from 18:00 to 19:00, it is good time for night cheery because the sky keep a little blue color. However this day is bad weather and many people went back by about 19:00 PM. This photo was taken in few minutes when a moon appeared between the heavy clouds. I understood a different way to others often led to new creation. (Lens70-210mm, Iris_f4.0, Long-exposure, Manual_Focus, ISO50, Tripod) --Reference: Cherry blossom in Nara--

Misty moonlit night & Matabei cherry, at Hongo

Apr. 7 2001
Manual_Focus Lens70-210mm
RVP Long-exposure

This page has been continued on January 1 2003.
and the picture was renewed on April 1 2005.
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