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Self Praise, June 2007

Purification in summer, Murayaniimasu_shrine

Jun. 30 2002
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"Purification in summer" is popular festival in Japanese shinto shrine, It is composed of two parts, "Chiowanokuguri"and "Hitogata". In the first ceremony people pass through "Chinowa", the circle of the glasses, Cogon. In the second ceremony, people purify "Hitogata", the human initiation of paper craft, by the act of watering or firing. Murayaniimasu_shrine is one of the ancient histrical ruin with big forest in which the festival is performed. It is rare to throw "Chinowa" and "Hitogata" to Yamato River near the shrine. Mayne it must be continued from 1000 years ago. (All photos; Nagishinoharai of Murayanoimasu_shrine)

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